Frequently Asked Questions


What is a transcription and why does the MHS do it?

转录是将手写文件转换的过程, diaries, 或将其他类型的手稿转换成可读的文本(通常以电子文件的形式存储),便于人们快速扫描或悠闲地阅读. 包含转录的数字文件提供了通过搜索工具发现和通过网页或各种设备显示的巨大潜力. This helps further educational and research goals for everyone.

Transcription helps:

  • Turn handwritten manuscripts into a digital format.
  • 为学生和研究人员提供更多可用和可访问的资源.
  • 破译文本易读性问题,并变成一个易于阅读的格式.

What is the crowdsourcing transcription tool?

MHS开发了这个工具,允许志愿者帮助转录我们数字化手稿的重要工作. Eventually the text will be searchable and more accessible. 从4月11日到6月30日,将进行一个试点项目,以测试和完善众包工具,并审查一小部分数字化馆藏的转录.

辛辛那提马萨诸塞州协会资助了该网站的两轮测试. Funding from an anonymous organization supported the beta launch.

Why is the MHS asking for help with transcriptions?

MHS最近将一些与边缘社区有关的收藏品数字化, including African Americans, the poor, and Native Americans. 然而,没有项目级别的描述或转录的数字图像. 我们开发了一个众包工具转录,覆盖了通过我们的收集指南提供的完全数字化的收集. Eventually, 这个项目将有助于创建这些文件的可搜索转录, 在未来,转录将使这些收藏更容易获得.

What is the time commitment?

平均而言,访问者应该在每页上花费30-60分钟. 但是,访问者可以保存工作并在完成之前离开页面. When you return later, 你可以在屏幕右上角你的用户名下的菜单中找到你做过的转录(点击“我的活动”查看你最近的工作列表).

Do I need to register to use the tool?

是的,您需要创建用户名和密码来登录该工具并创建成绩单. 已登录的个人也可以阅读其他人创建的转录. Please visit our digital volunteers page to begin.

How do I get started?

点击屏幕右上方的“Sign up”来创建一个帐户, then log in to access your account. 登录账户后,点击左上角的“Browse Projects”. After the Projects page loads, 向下滚动到“卢曼·博伊登传教士日记”,点击蓝色按钮:“查看此项目”。


Screenshot showing where to choose not-yet-transcribed items.

寻找一个小图像的手稿页标记“转录”,并点击图像或单词“转录”.”  The manuscript collections viewer will open.  点击网页顶部中央的蓝色“转录此图像”按钮.  将出现用于转录的文本框工作区,并提供指向该项目的转录指南的链接. This is what an in-progress page looks like:

Screenshot showing the user interface for transcribing.

If you have questions please refer to the Full Transcription Guidelines or send a message to .

Watch this video for more help:

What do the color-coded labels on the project pages signify?

When you are viewing a project, such as the John Rowe Diaries, or the Luman Boyden Missionary Journals, the browse view shows a grid of pages. 每个页面显示为带有状态栏和状态标签的缩略图. If a transcription is unfinished or not started, the status bar will be yellow with the label, “transcribe.点击任何标有“转录”的缩略图,为该页的转录做出贡献. If a transcription is waiting to be reviewed the status bar will be orange; all users may view these transcriptions, only the designated reviewer may revise these transcriptions. If a transcription is finished and reviewed, its status bar will be green; these transcriptions have been completed and they are viewable to users who have logged into the website.

Can I save a transcription and finish it later?

Yes! 在转录文本框的底部单击“保存并关闭”.’ When you return later, 您可以在用户下的菜单中找到您所处理的所有转录

NOTE: 如果你要离开一个未完成的转录,一定要保存你的工作! 该网站最终将超时,您的工作将不会被自动保存.

What happens after I submit my work?

Completed transcriptions will be reviewed by a staff member.  我们预计审查过程需要2到10天,具体取决于志愿者在试点项目中完成了多少页.  正在进行、完成或审查的转录对登录的用户都是可见的.

What collections are being used for the pilot project?

We are beginning with the missionary journals of Luman Boyden. 卫理公会牧师波士顿市传教士协会雇用的卫理公会牧师, Boyden was born in Walpole, Mass. in 1805 to Jeremiah Boyden and Catherine Plimpton. 他娶了玛丽·达德利,生了三个孩子,海伦、玛丽和耶利米. Boyden died in New York in 1876. 该收藏包括博伊登的四份手稿日志,记录了他在东波士顿的传教工作, Mass. Detailed, daily entries describe families' poverty and privations; alcoholism; domestic violence and other crimes; suicides; illnesses such as tuberculosis, smallpox, and typhoid fever; and Boyden's attempts at conversion, distribution of Bibles and tracts, and advocacy of temperance. Boyden describes sending people to the Deer Island almshouse (a.k.a. House of Industry) and visiting inmates in prison. 条目列出了姓名和地址,包括许多公寓楼. Some entries relate to Boyden's personal activities, such as meetings, school visits, religious rites he officiated, and family matters. 还包括一些给波士顿市传教协会的月度报告, as well as entries related to fellow missionary Armeda Gibbs, 她是一位废奴主义者,曾帮助寻求自由的人,并在内战期间成为联邦的第一位女护士.

Question not answered?

如果您对转录有疑问,请参阅我们的完整指南. 有关破译鲁曼·博伊登笔迹的具体指导,请参阅这些 tips from our seasoned transcribers.

If you have a question about creating an account, starting a transcription or otherwise navigating the website, please refer to this illustrated guide.

如果你仍然有问题与网站或想讨论其他问题, please send an e-mail to